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- TPM InstructorSeptember 9, 2022 / No CommentsChapter 12 of TPM Instructor Course. We recommend completing the other 11 chapters before enrolling in this course. This course doesn’t provide detailed methodology, it only offers a review of 3 levels of TPM, as...
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- 547 Students
- Planned MaintenanceNo Comments/Chapter 6 of TPM Instructor Course. The aim of Planned (Effective) Maintenance is to raise the company’s productivity by lowering the total cost of its equipment over every stage from design and fabrication through to...
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- 248 Students
- Autonomous MaintenanceNo Comments/Chapter 5 of TPM Instructor Course. Autonomous Maintenance (AM) aims to create a scenario where all operators look after their equipment, carrying out routine checks, oiling and greasing, replacing parts, doing simple repairs, spotting problems...
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- 317 Students
- Safety, Health and EnvironmentNo Comments/Chapter 11 of TPM Instructor Course. The basic approach to safety, health, and environmental management in TPM is multi-pronged. A zero-accident scenario must be achieved by eliminating every conceivable hazard or concern that might give...
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- 152 Students
- TPM in Administrative and Support DepartmentsNo Comments/Chapter 10 of TPM Instructor Course. An increasing variety of unique products, each with a very short life-cycle, has emerged to meet these demands, making the job of running a business more complicated than ever....
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- 125 Students
- Education and TrainingNo Comments/Chapter 9 of TPM Instructor Course. Companies progress by developing their employees’ capabilities and maximizing their ability to work effectively. The object of a TPM program is to build a corporate organization and culture that...
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- 134 Students
- Quality MaintenanceNo Comments/Chapter 8 of TPM Instructor Course. The only way we can achieve our goal of zero quality defects is to discard the reactive, “shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted” type of approach,...
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- 82 Students
- Early ManagementNo Comments/Chapter 7 of TPM Instructor Course. To succeed in the face of tough market competitions, it is absolutely essential to manufacture what the customer wants, and to do it quickly and cheaply. In today’s world,...
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- 92 Students
- Focused ImprovementNo Comments/Chapter 4 of TPM Instructor Course. The effects of much conventional improvement activity used to be transitory, and there was a strong tendency for improvements not to be capable of being sustained or properly established....
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- 371 Students
- Getting Ready for TPMNo Comments/Chapter 3 of TPM Instructor Course. Once an organization’s senior management has taken the decision to introduce TPM, it is likely to want to get going straight away. However, developing a TPM program and implementing...
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- 408 Students
- Losses, Costs and EfficiencyNo Comments/Chapter 2 of TPM Instructor Course. The losses holding back the efficiency of a fabrication, assembly or packaging operation employing mainly non-process type equipment will be different from those in an operation that employs mainly...
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- 373 Students
- TPM – an OverviewNo Comments/Chapter 1 of TPM Instructor Course. The abbreviation TPM stands for “Total Productive Maintenance”, where the word total implies total participation – in other words, everyone in the company, from senior management to front-line operators,...
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- 566 Students
- Foundations of Project ManagementNo Comments/This course will be available soon!
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- 0 Students